Saturday, April 2, 2011


A new stop on the LFMSS Europe tour - Siena.  With a grand public square topped by an enormous tower (the tallest non-church related tower in Italy), an enormous marbled and art-filled cathedral, and a series of twisted, narrow roads meant more for horses and humans than cars and vespas, Siena is a medieval Italian city like no other.

Of course we climbed that tower.  

 The whole group in the town square.

 One of the narrow streets of Siena, lined with iron rings to tie your horse to.

 Fun in the line waiting to climb the tower.

 On top of the tower.

The edge of Siena and the Tuscan countryside spread out before us.

 Top of the tower.

 Looking down at the huge square.  The tower is a bit of a miracle - it was just added to the already existing town hall to celebrate the end of the plague in the mid 1300's - but with no extra work in the foundations of the building, we're not really sure how it can still be standing.

 When that bell rings, she will be sorry.

 Jacob is on his way down the tight staircase.

 In front of the Siena Duomo.

 A beautifully frescoed library in the cathedral.

 One of the interior domes.

 Unique pattern of different colours of stone.

 Cathedral from the outside.

 There apparently must be at least one gelato stop each day we are in Italy.

Mequel has the colours of the Italian flag on his gelato, though you can't really see the green - I think he already ate it?

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