Monday, April 4, 2011

Back Home

Another trip done, another 52 satisfied "customers" (I hope!). We had a great tour of Europe this year, in fact, a Grand Tour, and it wouldn't have been possible without
- Mr. Johnson, who is always there to deal with emergency situations in his calm and professional manner;
- the parents (in no particular order), Catherine, Sharon, Kim, Anita, Dan, Roger, Mirella, Rick, Chris, Krista and Helene - who mothered and fathered not just their own kids but everyone's, making sure the students ate lunch, got some shopping time, were in bed on time, and were heavily medicated;
- and of course Rens - our European host and driver extraordinaire, with a great sense of humour and a real connection to our school (having driven literally hundreds of students and parents from LFMSS through Europe over the years).

As I told the group when we got off the bus at the Florence airport to start the journey home, this was the "best Europe trip ever!".  Which, to be honest, I actually do tell every group.  But it is a question the students often ask me, and it is my goal to make sure that for them, it is an exciting, informative, influential, safe and fun trip - so my answer to the question "Mr. Bresett, was this the best Europe trip ever?" has got to be "For you!"
For the kids, I hope the trip was an invitation to continue to explore and learn from the experience of leaving their little place in the world.  I wish I had traveled to Europe when I was 14!  I don't expect they would remember every little detail, everything I taught them while we were there - what I do expect is that it left them with a strong impression of our connection to the past and our many unique heritages. That impression, unlike a fact of history or geography, can never be forgotten.  The world is huge, the students are young, the possibilities are endless.

Craig Bresett
April 4, 2011

 Getting our bags ready to head into the Florence airport.

 Rens and Europe 2011.

I feel short.

 Some of the parents were "betting" that I wouldn't ride my bike to work Monday morning.  Here I am, 7:20 AM, in front of the school, being pounded by rain, but happy to be back in Canada and looking forward to a day of teaching!


  1. Every year we are in awe of the time and planning and execution of this amazing trip! Thank you once again for the memories you guys have given the kids, that will for sure last a lifetime!! Sarah can't wait for her turn, so PLEEEEEEEZE don't give it up yet...Hope you enjoy being back at home with your family and try not to spend too much time yet planning for the next adventure!
    Thanks to you both!!
    <3 the griffioens

  2. Hi Craig. I'm an old friend of Lisamarie's from when she lived in Utah. I searched Facebook and other places online but couldn't find either of you anywhere until I found this blog. Will you tell her 'hello' from me? I'm on Facebook if she wants to look me up. I hope you, Lisamarie, Magdalena and Buddy are doing well.

    Aaron Sellers

  3. Hi Aaron,

    Email her at - neither of us use facebook at all.
