Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cinque Terre

Who doesn't love Levanto?  Seaside Mediterranean charm, great food, small population, no tourists in March...We had another holiday in the sun - with three different hiking options.  The group I was with ascended to  the ruins of a an old monastary looking directly down a long cliff to the rocks and ocean below, then split as some went down to the next town Monterosso, and some stayed high up on the ridge and continued to climb to the sanctuary of Soviore.  Last year I discovered this medieval chapel, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, housing a very ancient pieta (Mary, with the crucified Christ) which pilgrims have come to visit for years.  Today, it was only use, and the church was a nice cool break from the heat of the hiking trail.  Nobody is complaining about the heat though.

 Jason snaps a shot of Levanto, seemingly now far in the distance, though we have really just started our hike.

 Emma makes friends with the strangest of people.

 What time of year is it?

 Interesting ruins, interested kids.

 Josh snaps a photo on the fly.

 The red and white is a sign that you are still on the trail.  Very helpful throughout the long trail system here.

 Ascending through the forest.

 Calder snaps a shot from a great vista point.

 Careful steps.

 We have made it quite high on the trail, but the ascent is not over yet.

 Enjoying a moment to relax, have some water, and pose for yet another group photo.

 These guys did not like my choice for our hostel in the Cinque Terre - but the price was right.

 Lunch time at the first summit.

 Not a good sign - directional arrow on the ground!  We figured it out though.

 Looking down over the town of Monterosso, where most of the group is headed to take the train back to Levanto.

 At the ruined St. Antonio monastary.

 Great views of the Cinque Terre.

 Heading out on the St. Antonio ridge, with its unique terrain.

 A nice open spot on the trail - no cliffs to worry about here.

 The group who did the very long hike to Soviore and Vernazza.

 Reggie can imitate Mr. Johnson's voice, and he thinks it's quite funny.  Mr. Johnson, being a very serious person, doesn't see the humour in it.

 Just follow the feet ahead of you.

 At the top - Soviore, with the courtesy drinking stump.

 Emma dries her hair the old fashioned way.

 In the chapel of Soviore, with the ancient pieta encased in glass above the alter.

 We are at the top.  The puny little point of land just to the right of Jessica and Scott is where we were about two hours before.  This group made really good time hiking.

 We came across these apparently discarded statues of the Cinque Terre.

 Another break?  No!  Let's keep going...

 Down the path on the way to Vernazza (or as the kids thought of it - on the way to gelatto - who cares what town it's in).

 Our destination - Vernazza, far below.

 Reggie really liked that we had to go by the sacred church of Reggio on the way to Vernazza.  He even made a song about it.

 Relaxing with much deserved four scoop gelatos.

 On the train back to Levanto.

 Reggie is not sure about his flavour combinations here.

One of my former students really liked this man from the hostel in Levanto - this picture is for her.  Do not be afraid.

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