Thursday, March 24, 2011

Paris Day 3

The day we were all waiting for?  The Paris shopping day.  At least we got to start with a creepy visit to the permanent residence of 6 million Parisians - the catacombs, and Notre Dame cathedral.  We had fun on the metro (not so much) - due to a malfunction the train stopped for awhile as we were waiting to board and it got really crowded in there.  Another beautiful day in Europe though!

 Kim and Jessica have fun waiting in line at the Catacombs.

 Emma does as the sign says, and stops!  Arrete!  C'est ici l'empire de la mort.

 One little bit of the 1.5 km former Roman stone quarry that is now the Catacombs.  In 1785 it was decided that Paris' many cemeteries surrounding its many churches must be emptied for public sanitation and land use reasons - for decades processions of bone-laden carts, led by a priest, would make their way to this spot which at that time was outside of the city.

 I wish this guy could talk.  When did he live?  What was his life like?

 Emma asked that I FOR SURE put this picture on the blog.  I think that's what she said.  On the second of our three metro rides.

 Milling about in front of Notre Dame cathedral.

 The size of the smiles indicate how much they are looking forward to having a bit of shopping time right after this.  Reggie is highly enthused.

 Behind the altar in Notre Dame.

 My shopping group - on their way to some new experiences - including eating falafel in the Jewish quarter and riding in a Parisian taxi.

 Magdalena and I in front of my wife's favourite restaurant in Paris, where she ordered strawberry mushrooms.

 Hello Cathy.

 On the Carousel in the Tuileries Gardens.

 Recovering from the tea cup ride.  Hannah likes to spin it fast.  Magdalena, not so much.

 It was an exhausting day; however...

...some people are just full of sunshine all the time, even on an overcrowded long metro ride!

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